είδος ειδικού πτηνού - traduction vers Anglais
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είδος ειδικού πτηνού - traduction vers Anglais

yellow warbler         
  • A breeding pair of Yellow Warblers. The female (right) is carrying nesting material.
  • Female yellow warbler attending [[nestling]]s, [[Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge]], [[Alaska]] (USA)
  • Yellow warbler nest with small clutch
  • Male (above) and female yellow warblers foraging in a [[reedbed]], Mill Creek Streamway Park, [[Kansas]] (United States)
Yellow warbler; Mangrove warbler; Mangrove Warbler; Golden Warbler; Golden warbler; Dendroica petechia; Dendroica aestiva; Yellowbird; Dendroica aurocapilla; Dendroica petechia aureola; Dendroica erithachorides; Setophaga petechia; Yellow Warbler; American Yellow Warbler; Barbados yellow warbler; Setophaga aestiva
είδος ειδικού πτηνού
είδος ειδικού πτηνού      
yellow warbler